Juan Antonio
Mañez Castillejo
Estructura Económica, Universitat de València
PhD in Economics, University of Warwick (UK)
Fields of interest
Industrial organization. Applied I.O., Applied Microeconometrics, International Trade.
Selected publications
- "Production function estimation in Stata using the Ackerberg–Caves–Frazer method.".
(with M. Manjón). Stata Journal., 4: 1046-1059 [2016].
- "Understanding the Dynamic Effect of Contracting Out on the Delivery of Local Public Services.".
(with G. Perez-Lopez, D. Prior, J. Zafra). Regional Studies., 12: 2069-2080 [2016].
- "The Determinants of R&D persistence in SMEs.".
(with , A. Sanchis, J. Sanchis). Small Business Economics, 3: 505-528 [2015].
- "The dynamic linkages between exports, R&D and productivity".
, 4: 583-612 [2014].
Email: jamc@uv.es
Tel: +34 963828356
Web personal: http:// http://www.uv.es/jamc