Llorca Vivero
Estructura Económica, Universitat de Valčncia
PhD in Economics, Universidat de Valčncia
Fields of interest
Economic integration, International trade, Industrial Organisation
Selected publications
- "The effect of EMU on Tourism ".
(with S. Gil, J. Martínez). Review of International Economics, 15: 302-312 [2007].
- "Assessing the enlargement and deepening of the European Union ".
(with S. Gil, J. Martínez). The World Economy, 31: 1253-1272 [2008].
- "Trade effects of monetary agreements: Evidence for OECD countries".
(with S. Gil, J. Martínez). European Economic Review, 52: 733-755 [2008].
- "Do nonreciprocal preferential trade agreements increase beneficiaries´ exports?".
(with S. Gil, J. Martínez). Journal of Development Economics: 291-304 [2014].
Email: Rafael.Llorca@uv.es
Tel: +34 963828353
Web personal: http:// http://www.uv.es/rllorca